ARe curses Real?

Curses: Understanding,

Breaking, and Healing FROM THEM

Many of us dismiss curses as mere superstition. I was once among the skeptics, but a pivotal experience during my soul retrieval training journey altered my perspective on curses forever.

It wasn’t just what I learned in my curse unraveling courses that changed my mind, it was what the spirits I encountered told and showed me as I unraveled curses for others. I learned more through my guides and healing spirits than in the hours of note-taking in class. My experiences were profound.

I came to realize that curses are not to be underestimated; they are indeed very real. So, let's dive into the world of curses, demystify them, and shed light on how they can be unraveled and healed.

Something to note as you read: As Westerners, we are biased. We may see curse casting as dark and evil, which, yes, they can be, but in some cultures, it’s more common and less heavy. Think of someone who egged your house or graffitied a storefront. In both of these situations, we have the knowledge to remedy the chaos. This doesn’t excuse the behavior nor make it any less shitty in its effects. In “curse cultures,” there is often widespread awareness and regular remedies available to anyone. I am by no means dismissing the harm of curses nor casting judgment on cultures I have a very limited understanding of, being a Westerner myself. My intention with this blog post is to offer understanding and solutions.

What Is a Curse?

A curse is an influence so potent that it can cause harm or hinder your success in life, holding you back from reaching your true potential. While the idea of curses might sound like something out of a fairytale, they have a tangible impact on our lives.

Types of Curses

1. Intended To Harm Curses:

These curses are deliberately crafted to cause harm. They can be cast by individuals with knowledge of the craft or outsourced to practitioners who specialize in what we often call the dark arts.

2. Tended Curses:

These are ongoing curses that can affect entire lineages or groups of people. They may be impersonal, targeting family lines or groups without the curser necessarily knowing or caring about the recipients.

3. Passion Curses:

These curses are fueled by intense emotions, such as anger, jealousy, or betrayal. Anyone charged with enough strong negative emotions can inadvertently (or purposefully) cast a curse by visualizing harm or expressing ill wishes.

4. Self-Cursing:

Surprisingly common, self-cursing occurs when we perpetuate punishment upon ourselves, limiting our access to personal power and sovereignty. This can often be the case when we have experienced trauma or deep pain, leading to unforgiveness.

Curses Across Cultures

Curses are not confined to ancient tales or distant lands; they persist today. If you cross someone, you might find yourself on the receiving end of a curse. In many societies, regular curse-clearing rituals are the norm. For those not accustomed to this practice, a curse can fester and continue causing harm.

The Curse's Effect

Curses can be triggered by specific life events, like finding love or accumulating wealth. Some lineage curses manifest as mysterious health issues and a gradual loss of vitality. Most curses involve siphoning off your power or energy, limiting your potential in various ways, or actively preventing you from reaching your goals and dreams.

Why Can't You Willpower Your Way Out of a Curse?

Can I clear my own curse?

Imagine a curse as a car parked in your driveway. You can push it out of the driveway but only with immense effort that can leave you exhausted and unable to put your energy and focus on other things.

If the curse is tended, the car will surely return to the driveway the next day, once again stealing your energy and focus. It's an exhausting cycle. However, the good news is that curses can be unraveled.

The Fascination of Curse Unraveling

As I delved deeper into understanding curses through my teacher, Jan Engles-Smith of LightSong, I was captivated. I found myself fascinated by the process of curse unraveling. I began to wonder if I had a knack for unraveling curses because, unbeknownst to me, I might have spent a lifetime under their influence or cursing for hire. At least now, in this lifetime, I use this knowledge and gift to help heal and empower others.

Curse Symptoms:

How do you know if you’ve been cursed?

Here are some signs to look out for:

- Chronic issues in your life with no apparent remedy.

- Repeated setbacks just as you start to move forward, heal, or attract abundance.

- A series of unfortunate events or bad luck.

- An unusual number of deaths in your family, particularly suicides.

- Difficulty conceiving or a pattern of pregnancy loss.

- Premature aging or unexplained health issues.

- If you've ever had the thought, "I think I might be cursed," trust your intuition.

Why Seek Professional Curse Unraveling?

The challenge with curses is that you're entangled within them. Just like trying to dry off while still in a bathtub, you can't free yourself from a curse without help. The curse's purpose is to strip you of your individual power. Fortunately, curse unraveling can rescue you from this predicament.

Break Free of Curses!

I've personally experienced the transformative power of curse unraveling. Each time a curse was lifted from my life, I made significant strides, finding solutions and forging a path forward. It was as if my inner saboteur was unemployed and relieved of duty.

If you suspect you're under the influence of a curse or are seeking to unleash your full potential, consider scheduling a session with me.

Let's work together to break the chains of curses and empower you to live a life of abundance, well-being, and vitality.