Healing in all ways is important in order for us to create a new world free from the oppression in our past, so that we can move forward.
About this Event
Apothic Energy and Amber Jane Healing are joining together to create a unique and necessary space for people of white ancestry to begin the internal work necessary to free themselves from the poison of privilege, entitlement, prejudice, violence, and racism.
The shame and guilt that can accompany acknowledging racism and privilege do not serve you, nor will they set any of us free.
Who is this for?
This healing circle, open to all, is designed for people of white/caucasian descent who wish to address their lineage in a healing way through energy medicine as it relates to racism. The intention is to heal the past so that it is no longer reflected in our present.
Right now: The poison of privilege and racism is rising to the surface in a way that cannot be ignored. As the momentum for change builds on our planet, this moment in time is rich with the energies that can root out the systemic racism that is embedded in our bodies, hearts, and minds.
Why is this important?
In order for us to create a new world free from oppression, injustice, inequality, hatred, and violence, we must address our past so that we can move forward in a good way.
Why we are offering this?
As white people, it is our responsibility to take on the work of acknowledging and healing the thought forms and belief systems we inherited so that we no longer move through this world from a place of entitlement and privilege and no longer continue the patterns that have created and sustained systems of oppression.
Results of this work: Freedom from the resistance to look at racism and oppression in all its forms as it shows up in your own life. The ability to move forward without the influence of the wounded past. Powerful tools and resources to help you courageously unpack your whiteness and take positive action to contribute to this movement.
When: First one in a series or four - July 3rd, 2020
Where: Zoom
Tickets: $10-$50 sliding scale
A Donation of 20% of of proceeds will go to LDF, click her to learn more.
*It is not our intention to usurp the important conversations being led by BIPOC leaders, but to address and take action in healing oppressive white ancestral lines. We are committed to learning, staying open with curious minds and listening to those who are leaders in this movement.
* Amber Jane Healing is offering private work for marginalized and underprivileged individuals. If you are interested in receiving a free or partial scholarship for a personal soul retrieval session, learn more here, please reach out to Amber Jane Healing at hello@amberjanehealing.com for more information.
Going Deeper (Read more):
Join us in circle as we ask the spirits to heal the wounds we inherited from our ancestors. We will focus on processing the emotional response we, as white people, have to our own racism. Our emotional response to our own racism is a barrier to our being able to authentically embody anti-racism. The resistance to doing the work to become anti-racist created by these difficult emotions must be removed. We appeal to the compassionate, benevolent, enlightened spirits that wish to help us with this change.
Together with the spirits, we will work to heal the wounds we carry in our biology, so that we no longer see them reflected in our world today, and no longer bring them forward into future generations.
Join us as we ask the spirits to change our belief systems so that we can hold a vision of a new earth that is created consciously from the Now rather than from the unconscious and wounded past.
This is an energy medicine ceremony.
We will be looking for those places in our timelines that have allowed the injustices and atrocities we know as our history and as our Now to exist.
We will seek to heal the roots of these injustices that have unfolded through time as a result of the illnesses of privilege, entitlement, and the illusions of scarcity and disempowerment.
We will be asking, what else we need to heal and how do we heal it?
We know and trust that there are realities in which we exist in equality, harmony, and with benevolent intention. We seek to call this reality into our current existence. We seek to align ourselves to this world that is already taking place.
We will be appealing to our descendants, asking them to show us how they moved through this time in a good way. What did you learn? How did you do this well?
All of the good outcomes for this time exist as real possibilities. How can we call them in?
Sarah Marie: I am a white woman seeking to heal the wounds of my own white lineage. I offer this facilitated healing ceremony for the lineage of others who also recognize and acknowledge that their ancestry has a history of oppression, colonization and violence.
My training as a healer is primarily through Jan Engels-Smith, a white woman who was adopted into a Lakota family as an adult. It was understood that the teachings that were given to her would be shared with all people interested in healing themselves and others through the sacred practices of energy medicine. Jan Engels-Smith has worked with many shamans and medicine people around the world who understood that their teachings would be added to the living curriculum she has created and continues for her students. Through my work with Jan and her fellow teachers (Karen Hefner and Pamela Rico) I have learned how to go within and make necessary internal adjustments in myself in order to make the world a better place. I have also learned how to go into the energetic realms to receive and retrieve healing for those who wish to change.
I believe healing our ancestors will heal our descendants. I believe the healing we do within ourselves in the Now unfolds through time healing the past, the present, and the future. I believe the change energies that are sweeping across our planet are offering the support and the amplification needed for our world and her people to become whole.
I am listening to and say THANK YOU to the already healed ancestors and the compassionate benevolent spirits who are showing up to help at this time to birth our new world.
Amber Jane: I too have been studying and training with Jan Engel-Smith, Karen Hefner and Pamela Rico. Jan has been a bridge for me back to myself and my reasons for reincarnating at this time. She is also a bridge to Lakota teachings, ceremonies and 21st century shamanism.
Through my own healing process and my dedication to participating in this work "in a good way" I continue to ask the Spirits to guide me to the healing work that is ready and required to happen for us and our descendants to step into the New World and Ascended Self.
I continue to hear the call to bring these modalities and the healing energies and frequencies of ceremony to you and my community. I have learned that through energy medicine we can transmute and permanently heal the past, the present and intentionally create the future. I have learned that when we repair our fractured souls, healing can happen as we step into our desired state and reality.