Nightly Rituals for a Peaceful Slumber

Free Online-Booklet

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This is the first booklet in a series that provides a wealth of knowledge and tools to enhance your life and brighten your radiance.

Sleep is the foundation of health!

In this booklet I share tips, tools, ritual, and resources. I will update these digital pages as I learn more so that they are ever and endlessly supportive to you. Now onto your gift!


Nightly Rituals for a Peaceful Slumber

Good Sleep - it's CRAZY important. A great night of sleep:

  • Heals your body

  • Detoxes your organs

  • Rebalances your hormones

  • Takes your mind goes off-line and integrates new information

  • Detoxes your emotions (yes!)

  • Allows for lucid dreaming, where you can speak with ancestors, visit other worlds, learn from your guides, and even receive healings

  • Helps you be more open to receive downloads, upgrades, and messages (tip: keep a journal by your bedside)

  • Gives you dreamtime bliss to wake up feeling good (just ask for this)

How to get the best use out of this booklet:

There is a beautiful balance between routine and variety. Our bodies will respond well to something and then it will stop working! What? Don't worry - this is normal. Just like the seasons, our bodies don't want just sweaters or swimsuits all year round.

When you find that something doesn't work, switch it up or add in another suggestion from the booklet. Your body will naturally respond very well when we do things at the same time or in the same order. And they also respond well to the variety that we can offer them. So find your personal balance!


7 Simple Steps to Sleep More Soundly:


Let's talk about the sleep train.

If you have been staying up late and later... you are missing the sleep train! I know you may identify as a night owl. And yet the sleep train comes from 930-10PM. If you are not on it your body starts a cascade of hormones and other functions that make it almost impossible to fall asleep. Now, you will just have to wait for the next sleep train... at 1AM. Or for those of you who would love to stay up late just make sure you are creating a schedule that also allows you to wake up when your body wants.

Remember if you want change - YOU have to change.

Okay, all aboard...


🌜STEP ONE: YOUR Nighttime Routine

  • Start your nightly rituals a minimum of 30 mins before you lie down to sleep. An hour is excellent. Or maybe you decide to spend a generous evening soothing yourself to slumber over the course of several hours - how luxurious!

  • Play with and create a nighttime ritual that brings you feelings of self care and freedom from responsibility. This encourages relaxation. We are all adulting so hard and we truly deserve this break.

  •  Our nighttime rituals are one of the few moments in our busy lives we can dedicate to loving and appreciating ourselves. Start with the rituals that you think will feel good and then stretch your comfort zone with ones you think are silly or new.

  • Science tells us that touch, even self touch, triggers oxytocin. I invite you to seek pleasure. A bath, self massage, mirror work (saying nice things to yourself in the mirror), dressing in silk or buying silk sheets, etc. These self-love acts of physical pleasure tell your body, "Hey you are worthy of my love and attention!" Try them out and discover which practice works for you.

  • I love to start and end my day by anointing my body and/or turning on the oil diffuser. Of all that I offer in this booklet, pick ones that you know your body responds well to, then build on it to create your own unique nightly ritual.

Twilight Tip: Did you know that scents are a direct link to memory and body response? You can use this to your advantage. Internalize the magic of your nightly ritual with essential oils (I'll suggest my favorites below). The use aromatic plants can amplify the effectiveness of your sleep steps by working with your body memory! Watch - as time goes on, your body gets quicker and quicker at responding and getting sleepy. This makes falling to sleep that much easier!


🌜STEP TWO: Anointing

  • I place Rose, Jasmine or Whisper on my earlobes. A beautiful start to a beautiful night.

  • The feet are also a great place to put your oils. It can inspire a quick foot rub and allow you to come into the present moment. My go-to's are Vetiver for my nervous system, Balance for peacefulness, and Stronger for immunity, as well as a sense of safety.

Twilight Tip: Make a ritual out of this step and give your body some love and acknowledgement. Try "Body, thank you for getting me around today. I love you."


🌜STEP THREE: Journaling

Journaling can be done by writing in an actual journal or speaking into a note app on your phone. I guide my clients in a ritual practice in the evening where I ask them to note all the places their energy went that day.

When you realize that you are ever so busy and really get truthful about where your energy goes, you can start to understand why you feel tired, strung out, or overwhelmed. You can also notice... “did I work on my priorities today?”

As you start to track your energy "spending", you can start to make more decisions about what is possible to add or what you must say no to. You can start to use your energy in ways that are more aligned to your goals and desires.

🌜STEP FOUR - Setting The Mood Part One:

  • As I have already mentioned, diffusing oils is a powerful way to create ambiance that can let your body know what to expect next... rest and rejuvenation.

  • Start diffusing your favorite blend twenty minutes before you lay down (and fill your room with all the sleepy vibes). Allow it to run for one or two hours to receive the therapeutic benefit while you are falling asleep. 

  • I recommend the Breathe blend for respiratory support, it helps with snoring issues. Console is a great blend for people who have anxious feelings during the day as well as feelings of disappointment in the evening. When I’m dealing with anger or frustration - Forgive is my go to. Especially for those overstressed. Frankincense applied to the temples as well as combined with Wild Orange in the diffuser will help quiet a busy mind and connect with your higher self. Cedarwood is also a soothing sleepy time oil. It will assist you in feeling connected to others and safe at home.

Twilight Tip: Breathe blend helps us expand our capacity to receive! Use this simple mantra a few times while you are under the covers, "My capacity to receive (fill in the blank! - a loving partner, the raise I'm wanting, $1000 extra in the bank, respect and acknowledgement, etc.) expands infinitely like the Universe." - From Maru Iabichela

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🌜STEP FIVE: Sleep comes easy

Serenity Softgels are my secret weapon. These beauties help me no matter how stubborn sleep is. I never travel without them. Try two to three Serenity Softgels at least fifteen mins before bed or as you lay down to sleep.

Twilight Tip: I combine or swap these out with the Copaiba softgels. Try two each of Copaiba combined with one or two Serenity softgels. You won’t want to take more than 4 total. I place them on my bedside table for middle of the night wake ups or you might like to place these next to your toothbrush.

🌜STEP SIX: The Slow Down

Here is a list of many practices that will help you slow down at the end of a day in place of hopping on your device or streaming another show. Pick the ones that sound good, and switch them out as you feel the need.

  • Evening yoga or stretching

  • Self massage

  • Epsom salt bathing

  • Listening to sound healing or hertz frequencies under the covers - soundcloud, youtube, bandcamp and my Soothe Your Soul playlist.

  • Make the bed with clean sheets

  • Journal your gratitude list or wins list

  • Affirmations/mantras

  • Listen to a positive Podcast or a Goddess Story from me

  • Kava tea or a mugwort blend

  • Read a book in bed/listen to an audiobook

  • Dipsea- Pleasure yourself - yep I said it.

  • Crate art

  • Write a poem or a letter to someone

  • Paint your nails

  • Watch the stars

  • Have a fire outside

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Set The Mood Part Two:

OMG y'all, you gotta create some mood lighting! Lower the lights and if you can, get off your devices thirty minutes before bed. Digital devices, wifi, and even electronics can be stimulating for some. Turn them off, unplug them, or better yet - leave them in the other room.

If your bedroom is full of stuff, if it's messy and full of things, consider clearing it out. Do not sleep on a storage item. Organize things so that they can be put away and out of sight. Clutter stimulates the brain!

My bed has a soft apricot velvet duvet. My curtains are creamy with a gold design. I have beautiful art that I love to stare at while I get all daydreamy. Make your sleeping space special by making it sacred.

Twilight Tip : Keep your tools by your bed For 3 a.m. wake ups! If you’re someone who has trouble staying asleep or you find yourself awake at 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. put on a drop of Coriander - (which helps with cortisol spikes that wake you up in the early morning). At a recent sleep presentation I attended, a naturopathic doctor taught us that cortisol spikes at night are much overlooked - and can often be connected to your metabolism. She suggested Coriander and Slim & Sassy.

To fall back to sleep use Copaiba. It soothes the nervous system, relieves discomfort and allows for longer stretches of uninterrupted sleep. Also try Magnesium supplements or powders - I take these to stop the tossing and turning.

Goodnight, sleep tight, and may your dreams carry you through until morning's light!

What’s next?…

  • There’s more! - Pick out a digital booklet below to continue the journey with me.

To continue your journey with me:





I combine my training, years of use of essential oils and study, life’s education and my upbringing to bring you guidance that will help you live a more full and radiant life!

When I was growing up my mom would give me homemade Goldenseal tincture and Comfrey poultices, Elderberry syrup and vitamin C powder in juice. This upbringing secured a belief that the plant nation can provide what is needed for daily wellness.

As I grew my mom became a psychologist specializing in grief for families going through a death. I would teese my mom that I would grow up to talk to their ghost. I wasn't completely off - I *do* talk to dead people and now have become a healer.

Thus, my childhood upbringing grew into a love for plants, a quest for spirituality, and a passion for wellness of the mind, body and soul. I blend these two worlds in my practice. Teaching spirituality, daily ritual, plant wisdom, and providing healings that retrieve the lost essence of your being - that you long for or have been stuck in chronic cycles without.

My goal is to help 100K people on this planet. I do this through a myriad of ways, though the most powerful healing I have seen thus far is in the process of Soul Retrieval. Combining anything with Soul Retrieval will change your life and set you free.


To book a special $25 mini session with me, click here.

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