I’m so glad to have you in the circle!
You’ll find that the ceremony consists of smaller rituals- some that start before you step into the circle. Though nothing is mandatory, I’ve found that the more one participates the more they receive from the experience.
I promise to guide and lead you through these rituals and the larger ceremony. It’s also my intention to help you more greatly understand how to be in ceremony, because most of us did not grow up in ceremonial traditions. I take on the responsibility of keeping the container, the group, and you as spiritually safe as I can, and I invite you to cocreate safety for yourself and others in the circle.
The rituals included in the Autumn Equinox Ceremony reflect this season's energies.
In my spiritual traditions and the indigenous ways of my training, we honor each direction of the medicine wheel. In the Fall, we acknowledge and welcome the direction of the West.
Our lives ‘walk the spiral of the medicine wheel’ just as the seasons do in nature. The honoring of the Autumn Equinox and the medicine of the West allows us to gracefully transition. Like the tides, the energy of the West is the shift to ebbing. Nature invites us to slow, reflect, recenter to gain clarity, and release the excess.
It is time to begin an inner voyage!
In this practice, you will be praying through action and thoughtfulness. As you pray, I invite you to think of your desires and envision how you will feel when they manifest.
As you wind your string around your stick, as I’ll describe below, be in an intentional prayer-state: imagine feeling and being in your new reality. If emotions come up, honor them, and let them flow through you.
Lean away from judgment, and lean into the process.
[Scroll down for steps and video.]
Reciprocity with nature
Find a stick from nature. As you acquire this stick, pause and ask the stick if it would like to be used. Feel for a yes; lightness, ease, or expansive. Or a no; heavy, apprehension, or tension. To ‘take’ the stick in the energy of reciprocity, place an offering in exchange. This can be a song, a prayer of thanks, reiki, or a specific lineage offering you know of.
We are conditioned and taught to take what we need or want without the thought of asking permission or considering reciprocity. As we practice this in our spiritual endeavors it invites us into leading with reciprocity in all our relationships in our everyday lives.
step-by-step PRAYER STICK
[*Refer to the video and written directions below.]
String or twine
Red cloth, handkerchief, or napkin
You will be wrapping the stick with the string – each round as a prayer.
You may like to have sound-healing music with no words, drumming, or meditative music. [Click here for suggestions].
Set your container: Ask your protectors and guardians to keep you spiritually safe and sovereign.
Speak your intention aloud: For example, “My intention is for my prayers to be held and imbued into this prayer stick. I thank you benevolent ones.”
You may also like to have an altar or a candle for this process.
Feel into your heart. What prayers are there? Start to wind your string around the stick. You can fill the stick in one sitting, or you can come back to your stick as many times as you wish before bringing your finished prayer stick to the equinox ceremony.
You may also find that some of your prayers have feelings or sound. Weave these into the string around the stick, intertwining your voice and energy into each turn. (I often sing while making prayers, feeling and imagining my prayers manifest or the issue at hand finding resolve.)
When you’ve finished, hold it to your heart. Ask for your unspoken and unknown prayers to be imbued into your payer stick. Ask for the most benevolent outcome for all.
When it feels complete, you might adorn it with a found father, a flower, a gem, or something else.
BE SURE TO: Wrap it in cloth, red is traditional to the indigenous peoples. At the ceremony, I will prompt everyone to unwrap their prayer sticks.
In this ritual, I provide a space for you to gently identify and acknowledge aspects of your life and self that you are ready to let go of. These may include relationships, situations, creations, or dreams—whether they are actively under your control or have naturally departed or come to an end.
In your journal reflect on this year:
Are there people who are no longer in your life?
Situations that have gone through major change?
Aspects of you that you’re ready to shed?
Write about what you’ve been through, what needs to be said, witnessed, honored, or celebrated. This can be happy, sad, mad, or all three.
During the ceremony, you’ll have space to bring to your awareness what it is that is ready for release. You may like to start this process now, which will allow you to go to a deeper level of what is true and current for you.
Honoring & Gratitude
I also invite you to acknowledge how this change may have granted you a gift in its wake. What have you gained? What skills or strengths have activated in you? What can you honor about the thing you are releasing? There may be a part of you that you know is transitioning. For example, someone who is now becoming a partner. A single person, partnering up. How has the ‘old’ version of you or your situation served you?
Giving thanks is the completion of release and provides honor and healing in this process.
Again, we’ll participate in a shorter version of this journal write within the ceremony. You’ll be transferring or writing anew on a special paper that will be provided the day of.
Lyrics 🕯 Here
Lyrics 🕯 Here
Lyrics 🕯 Here
You are welcome to bring a rattle or a drum. There may be an opportunity to participate while we sing or after the ceremony around a fire.
Whether you are highly aware of the guiding forces that surround and support you, they are there. We can honor the spirit beings that support this ceremony, your personal spirit helpers and allies, and the elements. Please bring a gift of gratitude, see the list of examples below.
Tobacco, corn meal, incense, chocolate, and sparkles are the gifts my spirits enjoy and appreciate.
Food, sweets, or drinks are often given to the spirits
Flowers, money, and handmade tokens are welcome!
The energy behind the gift is gratitude; you can choose your offering like you would a gift for someone’s birthday.
Navigate to 4336 SE 76TH AVE. PORTLAND OR 97206
This is a private land, so we ask that you please do not share the address.
Regular street parking is available. Carpooling is helpful.
The ceremony is held in my large backyard. The walkway will lead you there. But first, check in with our greeter. This person will be standing in the driveway or by the gate to welcome you. If they are not, please wait. Your name will be on their list and they will have some items to give you.
After the ceremony, you are welcome to stay and socialize.
Remember there is no right or wrong way to show up for ceremony. You are welcome just as you are. You can trust me to lead you through the process with ease, grace, and power.
Amber Jane Arquette