Have you noticed that you’ve lost your groove? When was the last time you sang?

When we have been adult-ing hard, we often forget to tap back into our free spirit… or energy tanks, and we feel stuck in the densities of life.

On this page are many ideas for you to use - I’m sure you will find more than one that applies to any situation you are in and need to raise your vibration.

When our vibration is high- we are magnetic to things going our way and manifesting more quickly. Another benefit of maintaining a high vibe is that you become potent in your energy and have more energetic sovereignty.


Reach out (of your mood) -

Text or email someone Thanking them for something or who they are for 2 mins! Right now, go to your smartphone and do this.

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Breathing Exercises or Beathwork - There are so many! This allows us to center into our bodies. We can visualize energy moving with our breath. We can let go of the worry that the past or future can trigger. Because, usually, the present moment you are safe.

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Diffusing Oils - When in doubt, pull your oils out! Pure essential oils or even the peeling an orange can uplift your brain chemistry! Work with some high frequency blends and apply often to the skin, diffuse in the house, car at work. Put on a scarf or make a tea or bubbly water with a citrus oil.Emotions/Aromatherapy oils - The oils are my friends, my allies and support me through all of life. Body, Mind and Soul. *Not all oils are made the same. Some are highly adulterated. Make sure your essential oils are safe and effective. If you would like support with the plant/oil kingdom, it is my passion and I would like to help you use this easy and powerful modality.

Reaching out to get support from someone - I have to remind myself often NOT to keep the worry to myself. Being able to be loved when you are down is an honor to you and an honor them. (Unless you are expecting or asking them to wallow in it with you.) By sharing you are being seen and you become more real and people get to know you. *I usually ask the person I am calling or talking to for permission, is this a bad time? Can you give me a pep talk or just tell me how good I am? Let them tell you its going to be okay and ask them if they have any advice or ask them to listen while you vent. And thank them.

Reaching out to support someone else - Sometimes reaching out to support someone else pull us out of our funk! Sending a thank you note or a thinking about you note can help me lift my spirits. When we can lift our spirits we are centering into our Divine Signature. Letting the fuss of life melt away and come into our more natural state.

Dancing - Shake it off! Like Taylor Swift says. Moving our bodies can be like shaking a blanket and lifting our vibration up. Some take dance brakes through out the work day.

Dance Music - Play high vibe music or sometimes I drive around with classical because its so calming. My daughter and I have a play list now for when I start to get grumpy and reactive to the world around me. Brings me right back into the present moment.

Chanting - Chanting soothes my soul. I love rounds, singing and chanting. Search and find your favorites! (Coming soon: Personal recordings, I'm going to sing for you!)

Getting Rid of stuff - Letting go of things that do not give you joy or are useful can clear your space of unwanted, unloved and uninspiring things. I even do this with gifts. I say thank you, feel that gratitude, and I will let a gift go if it is not something I will use. Minimizing your space lowers the "things" you are responsible for. (Some day this will be a podcast topic!) Lighten the load!

Sitting in the yard - Also being in nature... but sometimes just feeling the wind or the sun on my face can restore my mood and clear my energy. The other day I was in a workshop where we were packed in and some of the people where really triggered by the work we were doing. I knew my energy fields were getting drained. So I went out side and let the wind wash away all the funk. I jumped up and down and walked on the grass asking for nature to clear, clean and restore.

Pulling a card, reading something inspiring - I LOVE to read inspiring things. It is a way I talk with Spirit. I love the synchronicities when Spirit gives me a message that corresponds with the situation at hand. I feel connected and supported.

Listening to my affirmations - CHECK OUT THIS APP! You can record your own voice! Did you know that YOUR voice is the most powerful voice in your head. What we believe is REALITY. Affirmations work well if they inspire feeling. The best time I have found to use affirmations is when I am half way to joy. Not when I'm necessarily on the floor in a puddle. Its hard to go from 0 to 100. I try to make them a normal part of my life, maybe listen to them when you drive. Or have a morning routine of some affirmations that are pertinent to your life right now. I find they work for lifting me higher when I'm already in a neutral or good mood.

Drumming, Rattling - I have had the hardest time meditating! I can't quiet my mind. But hand me a drum and a wash of calm silence comes over me. Rattle just the same. These tools have been some of the most soothing for me. I also use my rattle to "shake off" dense or energy that does not match mine.

Yoga - Restoring. Peaceful and coming back into my body. Literally stretching out the trapped energy in my system. I can not go with out it too long. I will get twitchy or achey, I will not sleep well and feel restless. Yoga release my own bottled up energy and brings me back to calm.

Ho'oponopono - "I love you - I'm sorry - Forgive me - Thank you. This is a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness. Forgiveness set YOU free. It is not saying it is okay, it is saying you will not be bound by it.

Saging & Palo Santo - Saging clears and once we clear we need to fill. That blank slate yearns to be filled. If we do not intentionally fill it will Divine Love or an intended energy it will fill itself with what is available and willing. Palo Santo is a filling smoke, just like Cedarwood. It is in good health and practice to fill after a cleaning and clearing. *See high vibrational words below.

High Vibrational Words - Did you know that words carry vibration? Yes sound! But I'm talking about frequency, vibration and influence. Check out: Dr. Masaru Emoto's Messages from Water. (Which you can put messages on your water bottle!) High vibrational words can uplift the environment and YOU. We are made up of lots of water. Use words like: Love, Brilliance, Radiant, Joy, Fun, Giggles, Calm, Wondrous, Fantastic, Excitement and others to "fill" and lift up a space. *Try it right now and see if it makes a difference!

Bathing - Getting in water is something special. I praise and thank the water in my life daily. We are so blessed. And HOT water at that! Just like washing our clothes our energy bodies need some washing too. Fill a bath with Epson or magnesium flakes, Himalayan Salt and/or essential oils. Many say to sit in the bath until water cools. Listen to some sooting music or sound healing.

Hands Over Heart - This is a way to work with our minds. See our minds follow our hands. And when we touch something our mind re-focuses on where the hand goes. In times of stress or times when you are wanting to feel yourself again, I invite you to place your hand on your heart. Take some deep breathes and feel into your acceptance, calm, joy or gratitude. Bring yourself back to here and now. Restore your energy.

"Tapping" EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique is a way to move emotions and energy out of the body in a powerful way. There are many practitioners and youtube can guide you along. My two favorites are Jackie MacDonald and Sophia.

Recorded Meditation - Like I said above I have a hard time being in silence, being silent. So I listen to recored meditations, chants and visualizations. Explore and find your favorites.


Mirror Work - Louise Hay Knows. Say "I love you." in the mirror daily. Tell yourself that you are on your side. Look in your eyes and tell yourself what made you proud of yourself today. *If you have a hard time with this, think of yourself as a child. Some people even put a photo of themselves as a little girl or boy beside the mirror.

Cleaning the House - This can help me calm. When my house is in order i feel my emotions are in order. I can also get our some anger or irritation by cleaning the house. I can mumble over the dishes and feel I make a difference again.

Pray Rain Journaling - This is the future tense journalling. Write as if your desires have already happened. Share the details and most of all the feelings of joy. Congratulate yourself! Our subconscious brain doesn't know what is real and what is not. Play with this and see what manifests.

Gratitude Journaling - Each day write down "I am Grateful or Thankful for..." at least 5 if not 10 things. Anything! Big or small. Send a card to someone thanking them. Start a Thankful circle at the dinner table: "What are you thankful for today? I am thankful for..."

Prayer - There are many ways to pray and many receivers or prayers, Deities, God, Angels, Nature, Stars. Prayer is personal and developing your own meaningful prayers will support you in so many ways. I pray to many things for many things. Sometimes I pray for help. Other times i pray for safety, of myself or others. Sometimes my prayer is of gratitude and love for my spirit guides, healing helpers, angels and benevolent ones. When I pray I let peace, calm and love enter my heart. We are worthy, We are loved, We are here on purpose.

Restorative Calendar Dates

Often we can see Self Care as a luxury, a reward or a privilege. What if Self Care was the key to living a well life? The key ingredient to getting it all done? To Responding vs. Reacting? To expanding your capacity? I am still learning this! And the more I practice the greater amount of service I can step into. Its mind blowing when you realize that when you take better care of yourself (i.e. prioritize) and refuel, your capacity to show up, be of service and make a positive impact SKY ROCKETS! What if Self Care was on your list just like buying eggs was?

Ideas and suggestions to take yourself on a date! Every week needs an uplifting, inspiring, restorative or just plain fun occasion.

Going out to music

Going on a Hike or a walk around the neighborhood

Going to the Gardens or your Garden

Go to the museum

Planting in the Garden or community Garden

Eating good food and wheat grass!

Soaking at the tubs

Energy Work: Healing Sessions or Reiki

Swimming, Running, Dancing, classes

Body Work: Massage, Cranial Sacral, Reflexology, Mayan Massage

Art!!!!! So many kinds!

Tea with a friend.

Window Shopping

Go to a play


Day Dreaming

Go to the zoo or aquarium

Go to a mediation workshop or singing workshop

Write, maybe write yourself a love letter

Get your nails done

What other things pamper, refuel and make you feel cared for? What makes you feel life is fun? What makes you realize we live in a world of Abundance?

I am committed to being in my calm center more often, so that I may have more acceptance to that which I can not control, for I know that this makes space for even more joy in my life. I am a Champion for others to have the same.