there is A LIFE for you, greater THAN YOU’VE IMAGINED.
You can feel it. ~ It’s on the edge of your consciousness… calling you forward.
Your higher self is pulling you towards your personal ascension.
Your soul is eager to transcend into your next evolution.
This is the era of healing. It may be the sole reason you incarnated at this time.
Move from tethered to relieved.
Feel fully embodied with your own radiant being.
Start creating life from a whole and healed place.
Experience the ease in manifestation because you’re in alignment.
Your soul is asking for Spiritual healing.
Asking for you to embody your birthrights of Sacred Choice and Freedom.
You are here because you’re done with the Karmic cycles of your life. You’re ready to end lineage and lifetime cycles. You’re ready to ascend.
I am your healer, your guide. I will help you to unburden, unbind, and unravel all that has held you from your limitless, brilliant, and wise soul.
This is what you’ve been looking for.
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This package includes:
6 Healing Sessions
1-hour follow-up calls in between each session.
Personalized mantras, spirit-guided rituals, and teachings.
Text support twice monthly
Replays, synopses, and resources.
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With this package, you create unstoppable momentum.
I invite you to enter this sacred healing container to create a momentum of healing frequencies and energetic resiliency that transcends your today, opening the passage to a brilliant tomorrow.
Invoke a rippling effect out into your life as we combine the support of your loving guides, ancestors, and allies. Combined with the healing lineages that I have been initiated into, the benevolent healing spirits that I have spent years building powerful relationships with.
Igniting this divine moment and the sovereign choice you’re making now.
Whatever you have been through has got you here.
Know that you are not alone. Know that there is hope. Know that I’ve seen miracles and hold that belief that miracles are possible for you!
You are ready, worthy, deserving, and on the brink of living your best life yet.
We come from a long lineage of people who either did not have the privilege, the permission, or the knowledge to heal in these ways. This is the time. This is your greatest contribution to your soul, your ancestors, and humanity.
Cross the threshold and birth into your brilliance and full potential.
The soul Healing you will receive
Soul Retrievals
Energy and Entity Clearings
Vitality and Soul Essence Retrieval
Curse Unraveling + Oaths and Contracts Revocation
Egyptian “Going before the Grievances” Cord Clearing Ceremony
Thought Form/Limiting Belief Unraveling
Reiki and Frequency Healing
Journey to the Spirits + Channeled Answers to Questions
Through this package of healings, you will see your life change in miraculous, unexplainable, and mysterious ways. Often clients say they can’t remember what they came to the healing for… this is proof that the healing has transcended through the Ethers!
We will work in the Quantum fields through the timelines to bring you back into divine wholeness - Your baseline frequency will rise to meet your true self and never come back down. You will respond to your world differently. You’ll make new choices from an empowered place. You’ll expand your capacity to feel more bliss in your daily life.
Client Reviews:
“Surprisingly she discovered an un-bodied spirit that had not crossed over that was sharing my energetic space. I love that she had set up a sacred container for safety and called in Angels to guard our space.”
“A renewal of self love and trusting myself. I feel as though my assertiveness has been more prevalent and my voice has more power. I also feel as though I am having an easier time at asking the “right” questions, and asking for guidance when I need it. I am learning that I won’t always “know” the correct answer, but that I will be okay with whatever I choose. And that growth is an never ending journey and non linear, and that is beautiful and life.”
“Amber Jane, You have such compassion, beautiful energy. You seem totally like a mothering medicine woman. I feel like I could sit and cry with you and be totally vulnerable and not be judged. I feel like I am inspired to make more of my life a spiritual journey. I feel like a life of healing and spiritual connectivity is what I see in you and it is something I strive for too. I love the way you played music and sung. I am planning on playing more music and singing freely too as I think it’s healing.”
“Amber Jane you made me feel seen and safe and loved, every step of the way.”