My teacher Jan Engels-Smith shared a story of a woman Peruvian shaman that went into ceremony and prayer to ask where she was out of alignment that was showing up in the world as these devastating fires.

She believes and has experienced, that the chaos and out-of-balance on the outside world is a reflection of the inside emotional, mental, and spiritual out-of-balance.

No, she does not mean that we are horrible people causing harm... there is another perspective here, a diamond in the ruff, so stay with me.

She is inviting us to think about what in us contributes vibrationally to the whole - AND she demonstrates how when we heal - we all heal.

One of my colleges, Holly Javis, reminded me to journey within (and this story) and invited our spiritual community to journey within to gain insight on how we might help put out the fires by putting out the fires in our own lives. 

What could be happening in your life that could be a vibrational contribution to the chaos and devastation we are witnessing?

Here is where you might feel frustrated with this teaching. Your mind might go to sadness or guilt - you might find that you feel this teaching is blaming you, but it is not.

This teaching is a POWERFUL tool to help you feel (and know) that you are contributing to something SO HUGE, even when it feels impossible to have impact on it.

Life is not linear, that is a lie that is ready to die. Not all T's are cross and not every situation has a sequence of 1,2,3 steps to fix it. Life is full of loops, side roads, rest stops, diversions, and creative imaginative ways of "getting there".

This teaching is about empowerment and uncovering a way to contribute to the whole and make a difference. It teaches us about trusting in the unordinary and non-linear ways of energy. As well as teaching us that WE, YOU, make impact on the world around us. - I will share how in just a moment.

Holly journey to ask about putting out the fires within. She discovered her contribution was the unprocessed grief inside her body. That had accumulated to anger with the world and these times and felt like fire burning away inside her.

Holly's story is a powerful one. And she is getting to work.

The message I received on how I have been contributing was so different. I could easily dismissed it because it is not profound and actually seems as frivolous and ridiculous.

But that is just it! We can not keep dismissing the little irritations in our lives, the little hurts, otherwise they build up and cause chaos.


If you would like to go on a journey within you can by doing a deep meditation and asking the question “How am I contributing to (fill in the blank) and how can I remedy my life to change that contribution to support, heal, benefit (fill in the blank.)”

You can use my friend Lauri Shankskie's meditative drum track with singing bowls - And in good exchange for her recording please send prayers to her property at Hidden Lake in OR. Visualize protective energy keeping her house and the land there safe. Thank you. Click here. (She is a sound healing extraordinar, click here to learn more.)

How I have been contributing:

Since Quarantine, physically my house has felt like there is so much stuff. My daughter, me, my husband - we all have stuff in a small bungalow. Thankfully with an apartment downstairs and BIG back yard.

Lately, I have been hating our stuff and feeling all sorts of feelings about it. And yet I feel so attached, overwhelmed, energy suck and frustrated.

Spirit told me this morning in journey - that I can help the fires by:


💦 Go through and LET IT GO - get it out the door. (Maybe even blast the Frozen song while I do it!)

💦 Make peace with stuff. Do a dismemberment/healing journey to our stuff and the relationship I have with it.


💦 Clean up the house and create a ritual around the things and putting them away - with compassion, love, and appreciation (especially when it comes to guiding my daughter to do so.) Keep showing up for this.

💦 Now for the big ask - repair, spot paint, fix the littlest things. Yes, this will take time and energy. But this is how to feel more harmonious with my home and precious... okay beloved items, maybe that is a better feeling word.

This would have never come to my mind as a contribution to the fires. But just a few days ago I caught myself saying in my head "just burn it all"... and then I instantly thought of the people's houses in danger of being burned down. (And now, as I write these friends have lost their home and all their belongings.) They didn't have the choice of keeping, sorting, repairing, and honoring their things. I can't imagine how it would feel if all my things turning to ash. I step into gratitude and appreciation. I know as I heal they can heal.

Oh, my heart feels heavy. But I have a choice and by taking action I believe it can empower them and me simultaneously.

I love you home and things!

I know squelching the fires within will have a rippling effect out to the fires nearby and across the globe.

May you be safe, may you be comforted. May this message give you choice and empowerment.

Sending my love and imbuing these words with reiki for you,

Amber Jane

Support your lungs with these therapeutic plants.

Breathe blend, Cypress & Tea Tree, Arborvitae and Peppermint; Ways to use them:

  • 4 drops of Breathe blend and/or Cypress in your diffusers of your home, office, car.

  • Be your own aromatic diffuser: place 1-2 drops of Breath and Melaleuca (tee tree) on the palms of the hands and inhale.

  • Breathe Touch or dilute 2 drops of Breathe and apply on your chest.

  • Peppermint and Arborvitae on the bottoms of your feet, dilute for sensitive skin types.

I guide people in the use of essential oils for health and vitality in body, mind and spirit so that they can have wellness in all areas of their life as well as feel empowered with healthcare in their home. Are you curious how you can use these plants to have more vitality and relief in home? Click here.