Manifesting may not work like you think.
As you might know, one of the keys to manifestation is becoming a vibrational match to that which you desire - becoming the magnet that naturally attracts. Abraham Hicks teaches us this.
One of the common misunderstandings is that we must focus on the thing we desire in order to manifest it into being.
Don’t get me wrong - this could work, given the condition that you were able to focus solely on what you want without feeling all the feels about the lack of it. This can make manifesting seem magical and easy, if you can do it.
However, this can be especially difficult when the thing you desire is something you’ve been desiring for quite some time. Something that you are well aware you are ‘missing.’ There is an easier path I think you’ll want to know about. Laws of Attraction: States of appreciation (about anything) will allow you to attune yourself, like a magnet, to your desires.
Before you dismiss this blog, this is not a review of the Laws of Attraction. It’s about you. You are different, so the laws of manifesting will look different for you.
I will break this down so that you can break free. Read on, it’s worth it.
Why is gratitude such a thing? Because feelings of gratitude and appreciation are the same frequency as getting and appreciating what you want. That might not make sense to you…
So I’ll say that again, appreciation for ANYTHING is the attracting energy you can use towards the thing you want.
You most likely know that like will attract like - you can use this to naturally receive more... to be grateful for. Do you see one of the secrets? When you are grateful… your energy attracts even more things to be grateful for. You will create a momentum of more moments in the state of attraction (aka states of appreciation) and become a match to receiving. This key method is like an all access pass to use anywhere, on anything, in the Universe.
Okay, but what is new about this?
It’s my goal to give you new perspective on this subject. One that will give you success when you’re stuck.
As science catches up to the mystics, we are realizing that energy is what creates reality - it is what is behind the physicality of the material world.
Often people are trying to manifest with their minds - trying to make themselves believe that they are happy and lovable when deep down they truthfully do not believe that they are. Or they try to convince themselves that they are deserving and ready when vibrationally, they are not feeling that either. Maybe life has told them or shown them otherwise?
Take a breath. You don’t have to fight back all the demons, wounds, and false beliefs you’ve ever held in this moment.
This means you are off the hook - if you have been efforting your way to happiness (see how that doesn't even make sense?). That shit is done. I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to start with the big transcendence, you don’t have to heal every trigger and every wound - convincing yourself you are blissful when you are not. In fact, that will never work because your vibration does not match your intention.
And straight up, energy never lies.
Let’s, start with something easier - incorporate small moments of noticing what is going right instead of noticing what is wrong.
This is an invitation to practice moving from anger or hopelessness into awareness and appreciation. It can be small. It can have nothing to do with the BIG thing you want. And it is still on the path to receiving it.
With appreciation you can start to consistently attune and reatune your energy to the universal currency: the frequency of, and super power of, Gratitude.
This is not about pretending to be grateful for the sake of being polite. This is not about being grateful for every single thing that has been served up in your life or finding the silver lining (though that is helpful at times).
This is, also, not the type of thankfulness that asks you to consider how other people have it worse than you do, or require that you be grateful to just have your basic needs met. Indeed, that comparison only makes you sad (lowering your vibration) for the other while you put your head down and convince yourself that you should not want more because others are suffering.
Being sick cannot make someone else well.
This is a practice, a tiny noticing, of what is good and right in your world. This is the practice of becoming aware of energy (aka feelings), how they work, what they indicate, and how to create more of the energy and emotions you want occupying the majority of your day.
Let’s practice, together, right now…
Stop reading and put a hand on your heart. What are 3 things going right, right now?
Try being truly grateful for even 30 seconds.
How does that feel in your body? What unwanted feelings were you *not* focused on, even for a moment? What a relief!
This practice is rewiring and training your brain to help you become a vibrational match to allllllll that you desire. Because it is matching the feeling states, rather than trying to puuullll those things you want towards yourself.
Moving your brain’s attention from the lack of to the presence of.
What if on your way to manifesting life could run more smoothly? What if things could be easier or even magical?
When mystics say “It’s not about the destination, it’s about the journey.” They are asking you how you want to manifest.
Option A: Up hills both ways, sacrifice, and frustration.
Option B: Ease, more flow, states of appreciation, and maybe some magic.
Which would you like to choose?
The journey can be a collection of the little things that inspire states of gratitude, more often. The journey can shift to having more ease, excitement, “luck” (aka magic) - And all the things you desire that create those feeling states become available to you, automatically.
Here is the breakthrough secret and understanding that can change your whole perspective on the matter of Manifestation!
When you start to understand: The feeling of Want can actually now work for you; not against you.
When you notice the thing you want, see it as a mere goal post, rather than a device for longing. You can then say “thank you for bringing this to my attention,” THEN walk away, and focus on appreciation. *This* is the way.
So what I am saying is that in place of stifling your feelings of Want (which is like sitting on a fire pretending it’s not hot) pivot them to clarifications of where you want to go next.
Let’s turn manifestation into a game of sorts:
Breaking it down into 4 steps:
Step one: Notice what you want. THE GOAL POST. Grab as many details as you can. What does it look like, feel like, what emotions does it inspire, what does it taste and sound like. Okay you got it?
Step two: Now write it down. “I want a sweeeet ride (aka car).” It feels like… smells like, I play (fill in the blank) music, with the windows down, I feel like $100 million in this car… It allows me to… feel, think, know, be and do.
Step three: Know that the Universe has received your order. Your joyful consideration, the exercise above, created it. Now your job is to stay in states of earnest appreciation (about anything!) which will allow new possibilities and unexpected ways of receiving this or something even better.
Yes, EVEN SOMETHING BETTER, often our desires aren’t actually what our soul or spirit wants - they are the goal posts to BECOMING that version of you who is happier and more satisfied with life. And the “stuff and things” follow.
Let’s get real.
You don’t want a stack of green and white paper.
You want what those printed dollar bills will get you.
But on to Step three: Find ways to feel, not exact thoughts to think nor things to pretend to be thankful for, especially if they are remnants of old ‘should’ programming. Don’t ‘should’ all over yourself! Your job is to attune yourself to your desires through more states of appreciation. Remember this energy of appreciation and gratitude, when truly felt, is your currency, your all access pass to Manifestation.
Feelings of wanting, lack, jealousy, and bitterness are a powerful repellent to your ability to manifest. These feelings drag us into the depths of unfairness, pain, sadness, and all other opposing emotions.
If you feel super stuck in these versions of your story, and simply cannot find a way to shake them off, consider energetic healing and energy medicine. If you're blocked from success by something in your lineage or a soul contract - you will need a practitioner to help you change your life. To have what you want you have to heal what is blocking your ability to have it. Breaking down these invisible walls can quickly propel you toward the manifestations you want to experience.
Step four: Do it.
Doing it will retrain your brain and give you the reprograming you need.
You can begin a Gratitude Practice by writing down things you are grateful for until you feel honest appreciation fill your heart and energetic field.
And/or you can use mantras (if they are helpful to you):
What is going right today that I am not noticing?
What is required for me to have ?
Who is the version of me that has acquired ?
What is right about my current situation that I am not understanding?
What energy, emotions, point of view, and place do I need to be for this to unfold with grace and ease?
(*These questions are mantras, they are not to be answered by you. Allow your subconscious, your higher self, and the laws of attraction to reveal the answers.)
As you are expanding your understanding you now know that trying to manifest from the emotional or energetic states of forcing, battling, demanding, or wanting, won’t work. When you are down and out or have years of experience of not having, the magic of manifestation can feel fake and false.
Have you noticed that some laws of attraction and manifestation hacks fall short for so many people in hard places? Gurus and spiritual experts often talk about being in states of openness and allowance. Encouraging you to keep up the positive “anything is possible” vibe even when you can’t find a job. Telling you to just step into flow, focus on that thing and, poof, your desires will just happen.
What seems to be left out of the Law of Attraction is that you are on a journey, it’s not all about the destination. Yes, the journey to BECOMING that version of yourself that has acquired the thing. That is what becoming a divine match is all about.
Some of you will find that manifestation comes easy. Maybe you had a family that taught you a practice of gratitude or lived in a household where things came easy. As a child you asked for things and your care takers got them for you.
Your journey may be short for it was only 3 paces away, with minor blocks prohibiting your efforts.
For others this appreciation stuff may be a struggle.
You may have grown up in a household where it wasn’t okay to ask for things. You may come from a family where wanting was dangerous or a waste of time, where dreaming was stifled and generosity absent. The conversations you may have grown up with were mainly about struggle, strife, and the experiences of not having enough. You may have not had a family at all.
For those the feeling of appreciation may be more foriegn to you than the feelings of disappointment, resentment, and unfairness. Understandably so. How clear you must be then on what you *do* want, than on the feelings you’d rather have.
If you identify with the latter then I suspect that Law of Attraction stuff is like trying to speak another language… it will be helpful to realize that the magic of manifesting is going to start on the inside vs. showing up on the outside.
What I mean by this is that you are most likely going to notice small significant shifts of becoming a new version of you, rather than the big obvious gain of physical things.
The first step of manifestation for you might be that you start to experience less bitterness or frustration and in place experiencing one or two more positive feelings throughout the day. That’s ok. That’s your journey. Your transformation will be 10 fold.
Manifestation is a process of rewiring the brain, learning new feelings, and the inner work that influences how the physical reality reveals itself aka manifests. The magic is happening underneath your skin before it happens out in the world, and your feelings are the indicator of it.
Are you following me?
This is a game of trust.
Believing before seeing. 
Finding appreciation and gratitude for the littlest things.
You will start to attune your vibration to feel better, for longer periods of time.
When we can hold on to these high vibrational states we’ll notice feeling good more often, things working out for us and that ease and flow the Gurus are referring to.
Remember, energy flows where the mind goes. Use the question style mantras to take control of your mind’s focus. THIS IS A POWERFUL TOOL, but you have to use it. Your mind is more stubborn than you are - it will never believe until it sees. But it has a weakness and you can use it against it even as it’s inane arguments repeat things fore example; “It will never happen for you. It’s not safe to want that. Who are you to ask for that? It’s just not real, impossible,’ etc…”
Have you guessed… Your brain’s weakness is curiosity. With these questions, your brain will not be able to resist trying to find the answer! It is always seeking to solve. Give your brian the mantras above if your desire feels out of reach.
Now, if you are feeling like everyone has more than you… switch that inner dialogue and use this powerful statement “Wow, yes, that is what I want. Thank you for showing me it is possible. Hey mind, hey body, hey universe, I’ll have some of what they are having!” Cue the When Harry Met Sally restaurant scene here.
Everytime you run into a comparison, switch to “I’ll have some of what they are having.” We are all in different places on our journey in different areas of our lives.
The world around us would like us to think that we are all the same and justice is the same for everyone. Expecting yourself to be like someone else is not honoring your uniqueness and your story. You are one of a kind. There is no other with your circumstance or your fingerprint. You are BECOMING, ever becoming that version of yourself that is required to be, have, do, and feel abundant, loved, successful, healed, and happy.
If you take away one thing from this blog I hope it is the understanding that -
An important aspect to successful manifestation is becoming the version of yourself that has the thing you want.
Trust that the thing will follow when these shifts are made.
>>>I’d like to hear if this works for you. Please comment below or share with a friend who needs a new perspective to the laws of attraction.
Again, there may be things blocking you from your desires. These negative influences may need to be dismantled, cleared, or healed so that you can have the freedom to move forward. If you do not see improvement, seek healing.