You know those days when you feel so strung out, depleted, and all over the place... that usually leads to emotional overwhelm?
Yeah, like almost every day lately?
I have been using this practice for the past 4 years and it has helped me greatly. First I used it daily because I was so spread thin.
Here is a how-to call your energy back to feel whole, calm, and hopeful again:
How to:
Start by finding your center point in your body - the heart chakra or right behind the navel is the most common spot.
This is where you are going to ask the energies to return.
You can put on music or sound healing to support a state of calm and quiet the mind.
Close your eyes and think about where your energy has gone throughout the day, Where have you physically gone and physically contributed your energy and effort. Have you put your energy into a mental or emotional project or conversation?
See all these places like strings to kites flying about in the world. Notice how far they stretch and how many there seem to be.
Now ask for these kites, your energy to come back to you. Start to pull the strings and wind them back into your center point.
Ask for your loving helping spirits to add to the process by cleansing the strings and energies returning. Only allowing in your divine soul signature energies and nothing else returning to you.
Visualize, feel or know your energy filling into your heart or center point, glowing, radiant, bright, and filling you up. Notice how this feels.
Continue to call your energy back to you, acknowledging what it feels like to replenish and become more whole, calm, and centered.
Use this practice each evening especially if you have been feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and spread thin. If this practice does not make a big enough difference consider having a soul retrieval healing ceremony for you may have soul loss that is stuck, stolen, or bound.
May this help you greatly,
Amber Jane
P.S. The altar below is sending you nourishing energies and tenderness of Mother Nature.