You might be asking yourself, what is a soul piece?
And how do you retrieve it?
These are great questions!! And I will answer them.
First, we must talk about what Shamanism is.
Shamanism is an ancient tradition that dates back at least 77,000 years and was used by most indigenous cultures in the world. Shamanic healing techniques are based on the belief that all experiences affect your soul and that all healing comes through the soul. Once the soul is healed, other healings can then manifest in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies.
What is soul retrieval?…
The principles underlying soul retrieval are that when an individual experiences trauma or pain that person’s soul fractures and they lose a part of themselves, a soul piece. Sometimes the soul piece is given away or abandoned by individuals to withstand the pain of the situation. This process is a survival mechanism.
Psychology calls this process “dissociation”; In shamanic terms, we call it soul loss. What psychology does not ask is “Where does this part of us go?” and “How does one get it back?” This leads me to understand why some of our best efforts, best healing modalities, and positive practices… yet individuals will still see chronic patterns recur. This is because if the piece that needs the healing isn’t with us, then we can not heal and come back into wholeness.
Shamanically speaking, when a piece of your soul or essence leaves, it goes to another reality and is lost from the person, creating a void in the wholeness of the soul. In a process called journeying, a shaman or energy medicine practitioner enters an altered state of consciousness and travels into different realities to find and retrieve the lost soul parts. The shaman then comes back to ordinary reality and literally blows these parts back into the client via the heart and the top of the head, restoring wholeness to the client.
Warnings signs of soul loss:
Anything chronic like fatigue, depression, misfortune, faulty relationships, emotional problems, and suicidal tendencies.
Inability to release some emotional trauma from the past… a death, divorce, or loss of some kind.
Addiction of any kind… alcohol, drugs, food, sex.
Feeling disconnected from the body or reality. “I feel like an observer of my life.”
Repetitive sickness, cold, flu, etc.
Major illnesses.
No sense of direction.
Shame or feelings of guilt.
Feelings of unworthiness.
The feeling of disempowerment, and lack of personal power.
Also, major operations (birth) tend to leave people with soul loss.
Soul Retrieval includes:
Two (2 hour minimum) session
A follow-up session two weeks after.
You receive helping spirits, mantras and tasks, rituals, or new practices to continue afterward.
Soul Retrievals start an unfolding process of healing and change, as well as hold the power to instantly manifest.
Part One of Soul Retrieval - CLEARING
What is extraction and why might I need a clearing?
The voids in the soul that are the result of soul loss can actually fill up with dense energy that is not of its own. If you have soul loss, most likely, that loss has filled up with an energy that does not match your divine essence. This dense, heavy, and foreign energy can manifest in to all kinds of diseases. The diseases can be physical, mental, or emotional problems. An extraction is done to remove anything that has filled into these places of loss. My personal belief is that anger, fear, anxiety, hatred chronic levels of unhappiness, and fragmentation are the result of intruding negative energies that do not match your divine soul signature. If we consider what we are exposed to every day and the major problems of our society, we can see that the need for extraction/clearing work is quite great. By shamanic definition, the soul is perfect and divine, and life is a reflection of this. Extracting negative energy and restoring the soul unto itself promotes feelings of wholeness and happiness… thus healing ourselves and healing our world!!
Second Part of Sour Retrieval is Retrieving Soul Pieces
What is soul-stealing or giving away of your own personal power?
Many times, people try to steal personal power, most likely because of their own soul loss. This stealing can happen at any stage of one's life and often to children, especially if they are raised by authoritative figures or needy parents. This process may not necessarily occur consciously. If a person is abused in any way there has been an exchange of power by overpowering. Some people give their power away by trying to be loved or accepted. Whatever the case, if your soul has been stolen or if you feel as if you have stolen someone else's soul a ceremony of disconnection or release is needed.
Often our soul pieces can be stuck in a time of great trauma and need a practitioner to bring these pieces back to us and mend our fractured souls. This can be why people experience being stuck or not “over it”. If the piece of you that needs all the therapy is not present to receive it, how can you completely heal and move on?
How often do I need a soul retrieval?
In shamanic cultures, soul retrieval was performed within 3 days after any major event in a person’s life, such as trauma, a child’s birth, an accident, a broken relationship, etc.
The belief was that in order to instill proper healing, the soul was attended to first. I believe that most people would benefit from an initial soul retrieval for we all have experienced trauma in some form simply by experiencing life. Some people have experienced many horrific events and will need to integrate soul parts in a series of ceremonies and journeys. Some people experience great healing from the initial soul retrieval. Follow-up soul retrievals are always at the discretion of the client. I believe that once you experience the feeling of wholeness, you will then have a gauge to compare that feeling. You will innately know when it is time to have another soul retrieval, clearing, or another form of energy healing. All the healings are completed for that moment in time.
Can this be done virtually? Is distance healing still as powerful?
Read the blog here.