As the new moon approaches, my feminine womb cycle is in its first days; dark like the black of the new moon. This reminds me again, of the beauty of our bodies and its relation to the Moon. Not always do I sync up to the new moon, but when I do, it pleases me, feeling that through this sync, a portal opens between the moon, myself and my lineage of women who have walked through being the maiden, the mother and the crone.
The moon pulls on the Sea and the blood in our bodies pull on we women in many ways as well. Emotionally softening, becoming tender, and introspective, our rhythm naturally slows down, like the dark of the new moon. This is the time of introspective questioning and listening to our own inner guidance.
Both the new moon and the woman’s menses cycle have phases. Phases that have different needs, expressions, gifts, and power. It amazes me, the more I learn about the moon and the more I learn about the power of our cycle - I am here to confirm for you that we can really live in harmony with our many phases. We can even use these phases to get more done, refuel more quickly, navigate and understand our emotional ebbs and flows as well as use our fiery side to our benefit vs. our destruction.
When I was in highschool my mom had a book called “Her blood is gold.” I devoured it. Later I found the book “The Red Tent” and then another profound book call “4 Seasons in 4 Weeks”. All of these books validated and nourished a knowing deep inside, that our womanly cycle was to be loved, cherished, honored and respected. I could never relate to the idea of an “Aunt Flo” coming to visit and how inconvenient she was. It felt unkind to myself to ignore, and even hate my body every three weeks.
Quick Guide to understanding our phases:
The week of your cycle (new moon phase) -
This is a time where if you slow, nourish and prioritize self-care practices, you will find you refuel, replenish and revitalize 10x faster than any time of the month. Use this time wisely, block it out, covet it and schedule around it.
The week after your cycle (waxing half-moon phase) -
The most important thing to note in this phase is that we are in a “Yes” phase. We are happy, hopeful and see opportunities everywhere. Avoid overscheduling. Limit what you allow yourself to say yes to. And realize that you won't feel this way in 2 weeks. Use this time to love on people in place of promising to help everyone.
Week 3, full expression (full moon phase) -
This is your ovulation week. You are on your most beautiful, glowing and attractive self. This is the time to shine, be seen and ask for what we want because we will most likely get it! Soak this week in and use this brilliant version of yourself to get things done.
The last week of our cycle (waning half-moon phase) -
This is the most misunderstood week of our cycle. There is so much power here; Power to move mountains and power to obliterate on the spot. This is referred to as our "fire walk week". We are hyper-aware of all that is not right in our world. Our emotions are quick to ignite. We see everything that is out of balance - this can be the week we can scrutinize and often see where we have been enabling, over-giving, or allowing our boundaries to be crossed - and yet we are most likely going to blame others for our irritation.
How to harness the power of the “Fire Walk” week :
Allow the awareness to come in. We have the gift of the Eagle's eye and we see life under a microscope at this time.
Take notes and take action later. Remembering that we are at extreasms in this phase and might find a more balanced way to change after this week. What is being shown to you? What is asking for change so that the whole of your life can be more peaceful and in harmony?
When emotions get intense use that power to clear out, clean, exercise, dance, yell, cry, and release!! Clear the chanelles, let the fire burn out what is no longer useful.
You might find creating a new game plan comes easy and with clarity so that you can implement these new understanding, your superpowers are showing you, through the next cycle.
Explore what is rising in you! Do not disregard or demine this version of you, for she has an unforgettable wrath.
Tell those closest to you what this week is for you. Give them a heads-up. Ask people to submit their requests next week. Avoid big or deep conversations, this is not the week for that. Give yourself permission to say “I will get back to you in a few days.”
You can read more deeply about these teachings in Suzanne McQueen's book 4 Season in 4 Weeks. But I hope that this gives you an outline and some understandings that will make your cycles more enjoyable.
My menstrual cycle wasn’t all roses and candle lit baths for me. Often my cycle came with pain that would leave me crying on the floor to the tub while the warm water of the shower would comfort me. It felt like I was dying.
All this lead to my wondering what did the tribal women do? How did they care for themselves? What remedies did they have? What traditions? How did they make this better?
I’m sure some had pleasurable or soothing traditions, while others did not. I wanted to know about the ones who did!!
There are two reasons I fell in love with the moon.
One is how I notice that whatever the moon is feeling, I usually am too. This made me want to pay attention to the moon cycles.
The other is this cosmic connection to cycle and dance through the phases of inward quiet, through adoration, to full expression and then clarity before we and she vail herself again in the quiet, dark.
I followed my curiosity and my continued question in this life to more and more enjoyment, beauty, harmony, and peace. Because I truly believe that even though we live in a world of duality and although life sometimes hurts, there is a way to grow our capacity for holding happiness for longer periods of time. This is my personal goal and I use these affirmative statements below almost every day:
Affirmations for your monthly cycle:
“My capacity to receive all my desires and wishes expands infinitely like the Universe.”
“My capacity to open to more love happens with kindness and bravery.”
“My capacity to honor and respect the wisdom of my body’s cycles grows each month.”
“My willingness to feel more enjoyment leads me to make choices that nourish and honor me.”
I offer these statements above to support you in your journey to living a happier and healthier life. Explore saying them daily. I invite you to see what these statements open up. They have been powerful for me in opening up to receive but more than that, these statements have helped me uncover inner blocks hidden from my view.Natural remedies for painful cycles:
I am also sharing a remedy that has been a lifesaver! I no longer have pain during my body's “moon cycle”.I use an essential oil blend by doTERRA called Clary Calm. I roll it on my lower belly, over my ovaries, every morning, shower or not. This has completely calmed my cramps.
The second remedy I offer is a blend of herbs by doTERRA as well; these herbs help me in surprising ways - and I just had a month without them! I am less moody, less of a yoyo - happy, sad. The Phytoestrogen blend of herbs has really made a difference in my month. So that I can feel more stable and less reactive and sensitive.
Someday I hope that every little girl and boy grow up with the understanding that we are creatures of cycles. That we can not live a life of do, do, do. That we have phases of rest and reflection & phases of day dreaminess, that are just as important. I wish for everyone to find peace and love for their body and that knowing more and adopting lifestyles that honor our bodies, will lead to fewer diseases both physically and emotionally, in our cultures.
I’d love to hear if you have had success with a natural remedy for the discomforts of your cycle, please share by replying to this email. There are so many wonders out there, resources and knowledge!
Though I am not hosting a New Moon Circle this month I invite you to ponder your relationship to the Moon, your relationship to your body, and even the seasons. Where are you at in your personal cycle? Are you still rejecting and creating visions for 2020? Are you in full expression, ready for the world to receive your greatness?