I cried more the second time around, than the first.

I took my 8-year-old daughter to see FROZEN 2 and I can’t help but feel Spirits' messages reverberating through my life, through the movie, even showing up in clients' healing sessions and through this New Moon messages in the Guidebook.

So I can't help myself, I must share these insights with you.

In Frozen 2, Elsa has to trust the mysterious voice calling her; she is the only one who can hear it. And it’s haunting her.

She wants to resist it because she has a fear of change, fear of her own power. What if it is too much/not enough? What if her powers destroy life as she knows it? 

Do you ask that question too? Does your true self and visions of full potential haunt you too?

The voice she is hearing is her own. Her soul is calling her to her truest potential.

Elsa goes through trials and her sister Ana is cheering her on. This again, reflects in my own life; as I have learned I can not do my best work without a support team. I lean in  on friends and coaches who believe in me when I am feeling weak. Do you have a support system around you?

If not, this is your goal for 2020!

This movie surprises me with its metaphors and wisdom. Elsa has to retrieve the missing piece of herself to feel whole, powerful and at peace. 

She even goes through the death of herself- completing the walk through in the Native American medicine wheel of life.

North on the Medicine Wheel is the season of Death/Refinement/Release - I tell you, the messages from this movie are not lost on me! I am going through my own death and dying of the North and I see that our planet is too.

What is ready to die in you? What would you refine in your life or self?

Elsa even sings a song:

“Show yourself, show yourself… You are the one I have been waiting for all my life… I am found.” (Full lyrics click here)

At the end of the movie, she is reborn, anew, in harmony with who she truly is. She has claimed her power- this was the medicine for her healing as well as the medicine that will help all.

Anna goes through her own transformation to become Queen! A more actualized version of herself, honoring her wisdom and her strength.

If only we could accomplish all that in 90 minutes!! With song, dance and amazing-magical-color-changing outfits. ;)

But wait, there is more! Frozen 2, led me to reflect on the past year of my life, wherein I practiced, like Elsa, getting comfortable with the mysteries of life. I took a temperature gauge on where I am now compared to where I was. It has gotten easier to trust.

Another profound conversation in FROZEN 2, is the acknowledgment of how grief feels, how fear of change feels. Which leads to the pondering of how can we move through it?

Ana repeats: "If you don’t know what the future holds or what the solution is, just do the next right thing.” 

This is offered as a mantra to keep moving forward out of the icy, freezing, debilitating winds of grief.

Things change and die, but that doesn’t mean that life ceases to exist. It just takes a different form.

Right now there is so much trauma - human and nature - being exposed on the planet. 

Kapache and Lee Harris say we are going through a time on the planet where we are going to continue to experience loss and what will rise, is love, collaboration, and gratitude.

 It is good to remember that life will continue to be created, recreated and that you are resilient, adaptable and inventive. So is Mother Earth. This does not mean we sit by and do nothing. Nor does it excuse our daily choices that hurt others or the Earth. This mindset and belief does empower us and break us out of hopelessness and fear. 

You can create a new day. Together, you and I can contribute to the healing and new choices that will lead to a new way of living. Grief will most likely remain part of the process because we will be saying goodbye to that which is dying now (trees, plants, animals) and that which will need to die and change within us. As a healer, embodying your power is most important right now! It is for me too.

  • CALL TO ACTION: Are there more environmental choices or even sacrifices you can make on the daily? Change one thing this month - even if it is a bit uncomfortable. 

I know that I’m diving deep here but that is my style and I see the connections :)


Grief has a hold of Ana in a dark cave… it reminds me of what humans are going through on the planet right now. It also reminds me of how important it is to not get stuck in those dark places.

We are meant for more. This is not the end.

This Aquarian energy is like the wind moving us through a threshold, into a new realm, a new world, a new horizon, and a new Earth. The wind will push. You can dig in our heals or you can surrender and trust. With trust, you'll have an easier time gliding with the wind, into your future.

Aquarius is this beautiful union between big freeness of self and creation AND the inner wisdom, the know-how.

Read more about the Aquarian New Moon in my Guidebook.

The key to holding a big vision of the future and not getting stuck in disappointment (that it isn’t manifesting overnight) is keeping track of your wins. 

  • CALL TO ACTION: Each week or at the end of each night, write down what you accomplished. Celebrate and practice the small steps and the accomplishments of the project along the way.

One of my celebrations of 2019 was making friends with a woman that I liked. She wasn’t that sure about carving time out of her life for a new friendship. I saw how wonderful she was and that we think similarly. I accomplished a friendship that adds to the quality of my life.

What is one wish you have for yourself?

What is one wish you have for all people?

What is one step in that direction you can take, tomorrow?

My teacher Karen mentioned the other day how inventions are waiting to be made manifest; solutions are just waiting to come through. Think of the 1980’s - no internet, no cell phones. And yet today, video calling is casual. If you would have spoken to someone even 20 years ago about today, they would think you were exaggerating. This can give you permission to think big; to dream big visions and BELIEVE in the impossible.

***If you are feeling stuck and frozen in your perception that there is no way out, no solutions... consider a session with me to break the ice on those limiting viewpoints and bring in energy, power, and medicine that will help you see there are other ways, other possibilities!!

And check out my newest contribution, “Ritual on the New Moon Guidebook” - coming to you with treasures and support for the Lunar 4 week season.

All my love to you!

To the greatest version of yourself!

Amber Jane