Are You Experiencing Ascension Symptoms?


Have you been feeling subtle but profound shifts within yourself, as if you're awakening to a heightened sense of intuitive knowing?


As our planet, our beloved Earth undergoes its process of ascension, awakening, and rebirth—so are we!



resonating at frequencies we've never before witnessed. Previously, her frequency hummed at a steady 7.8 Hertz, but in recent years, it has surged to astonishing peaks, surpassing even 158 Hertz!


As an inhabitant of this evolving world, your body is responding. You may have recently experienced a spiritual awakening, or been witness to individuals in your life "waking up." This is in response to our planet’s transformation.

To navigate this journey with grace, it's crucial to gain discernment between your personal energy field, the collective’s energy, and external influences. This skill will bring you back to peace, return you to your center, and harness the power that’s growing inside you.


Let's delve into the symptoms of ascension

Understanding them is key to finding clarity amidst the sometimes confusing mental, emotional, and energetic ailments you’re likely encountering:



 **Heightened Intuition** 

Your intuitive senses may become more pronounced. This can manifest as premonitions, vivid dreams, or a heightened foresight. You may find yourself anticipating others' thoughts or actions, or feeling a strong gut instinct when facing decisions, like avoiding certain routes while driving. As you nurture this gift, you'll develop a stronger connection with your inner wisdom, enabling you to trust and act upon these intuitive insights.

**Experiencing ‘Visions’**

Visions or what I call 'auditory sensations' can be a part of this process. It's a sign of transitioning between dimensions. Experiences vary s based on your sensitivity and unique wiring.

**Increased Sensitivity**

You may find yourself increasingly attuned to the energies around you, including the emotions of others. This heightened empathy is a natural aspect of ascension. If you already identify as an empath, this marks the start of your journey towards mastering the ability to transmute and channel energy.

**Thirst for Knowledge**

A newfound desire for spiritual understanding and self-exploration often arises during the ascension process. You might feel a sense of alienation – yearning for connection with those who resonate with your experience and empathetic nature.

Conversely, you may experience:
**Diminished Motivation**

It's common to experience phases of low motivation. View this as a period of rest and regeneration – a time for your body and mind to 'reboot'. Embrace self-care and allow yourself to relax without succumbing to the pressure of constant productivity. If this phase lingers uncomfortably long, or if you find it challenging, please consider reaching out to me. The sessions I offer are designed to help realign your energy flow and rejuvenate your vitality!



**Varied Physical Sensations**

Some individuals may experience symptoms like headaches, body aches, and flu-like sensations. These symptoms often arise spontaneously, and their occurrence can be linked to cosmic and astrological events, like eclipses and solar flares. Understanding these patterns can help you anticipate and enhance your self-care strategies during these times.

**Sleep Pattern Shifts**

Alterations in sleep habits, including vivid dreaming or waking up at consistent times each night often occur. If you often find yourself awake at 3:30 AM, consider utilizing this time creatively. Engage in activities like art, meditation, journaling, or simply relishing the tranquil early hours.


How I utilized my sleep ‘issues’:

I repeatedly woke up around 3 a.m. during a phase in my life. It was during that time that I began writing a book.  I realized this early morning wake-up allowed me 3-4 hours of uninterrupted writing when the world was blissfully quiet. Sometimes I would light a fire in my backyard, listen to music, and continue to download the messages being delivered to me from my spirit team.


**Ear Ringing**

Persistent ringing in your ears can be a sign of your body attuning to the Earth's frequencies, and energetic upgrades, or subconscious downloads that are not being transmitted in your birth language. (I notice that ringing in my ear ramps up when I’m up-leveling and disappears for months after.)

**Aches and Pains**

You might notice unusual aches and pains in different parts of your body. This discomfort could be a result of purifying and releasing blocked energy that resonates at the 3D level. ***Disclaimer at bottom.

**Heightened Five Senses**

You might find yourself becoming increasingly sensitive to your physical surroundings, with crowds, noise, certain foods, and external stimuli becoming less tolerable. This heightened sensitivity is part of the recalibration process and will eventually subside.

May this blog help you know that you're not alone on this journey,

and you're certainly not losing your mind.

Your body is simply responding to the ascension energies of our changing world and times.

Now, let's explore strategies and practices to support you on this profound journey.


  • Drinking electrolytes 

  • Allowing yourself to meditate, space out, relax, and daydream

  • Sound healing and Selfegio frequencies

  • Deepening your spiritual practice

  • Eating good foods

  • Bathing in water, sea, or hot springs

  • Being in nature/forest bathing

  • Using crystals that resonate with you

  • Connecting with a healthy spiritual community



This is most likely because you’ve experienced soul loss – *add definition here* Soul loss compromises your ability to come back into empowered wholeness.

In this case, I’m here to help. Soul Retrieval sessions are life-changing – they help you find the grounded, joyful, creative, purposeful life you’ve been praying for.

You matter,

and because your life here is important — If you feel you require help at this moment please reach out: 

In the United States, the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7 support for mental health and crisis intervention. You can reach this lifeline by calling 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255). This hotline connects you with trained counselors who can provide assistance, support, and resources for individuals experiencing mental health crises or suicidal thoughts.

Additionally, you can also text "HELLO" to the Crisis Text Line at 741741 for 24/7 crisis support via text message.

Dail 911 for all emergencies.

  • European Emergency Number (112): In Europe, you can dial 112 for emergency assistance. While this is not specifically a mental health hotline, it can connect you to emergency services if you or someone you know is in immediate danger.

  • International Suicide Prevention Helpline: If you are in Europe or any other part of the world and need immediate assistance, you can contact the International Suicide Prevention Helpline at +44 (0) 8457 90 90 90 (UK-based). They provide confidential support and are available 24/7.

[*** Disclaimer: Please note that Amber Jane is not a licensed medical professional. The information and guidance provided in her content, including but not limited to her blog posts, emails, and programs, are based on her personal experiences and shamanic practices. They are not intended to replace professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical concerns or conditions. The use of any information provided by Amber Jane is solely at your own risk.]