after soul care suggestions

Tending to yourself, the integration process, and shifting into a new reality.


Below are some simple yet effective ways to support the integration after your session.

  • Be gentle with yourself. Expect less of yourself. Give yourself time to rest and process.

  • After your session is a great time to journal and/or go for a walk in nature or be under the sky.

  • Take an Epsom salt bath or salt scrub shower. This will help clear away any energetic residues.

  • If you used water in your preparations, consume the water. These water molecules are now programmed with the radiant energy of your healing session.

  • Drink extra water, specifically water that has electrolytes. High-frequency energy tends to use your body's minerals, and you may be a bit more dehydrated than usual.

  • Allow yourself to nap, daydream, meditate, and/or listen to sound healing. Here are some of my favorites for you: Calm Whale, Beautiful Chorus, Tom Kenyon Sound Healing, and Jonna Jinton.

  • If you have offerings of thanks, you can now place them outside, in your yard, at a river, in a park (if that is appropriate), or leave them on your altar for a couple of days and then dispose of them.


Continue to invite in the Magic.

Use these Magic Making Mantras to bring ease and reveal new awareness as you step into the brilliance of your healing.


“Who am I now - And what grand adventure am I on?

“What’s possible for me now that was not possible before?”

“What’s required for my desires to unfold with ease, grace, and magic?”

“Hey mind, hey body, show me my brilliance in a big way today!”

“What can I perceive, know and believe that would make my life feel extraordinary to be living with total ease?”


Why the Mantras?

Our mind often holds memories or habitual ways of thinking.

Sometimes our healing session can be so mystical that we can question what really happened.

I promise, amazing things shifted, changed, cleared, and were restored.

Our brain usually wants evidence right away but struggles to shift into new thinking that allows the evidence to be revealed. The Magic Making Mantras help with default settings in the brain, activate the subconscious in your favor, and give the mind some patients while things are unfolding!



**If you have or were given a crystal

How to use your crystal.


Your crystal continues to broadcast the energy of your healing! It’s helping your body, mind, and spirit integrate and anchor in your retrieved soul essence. It helps you remember your truth, beauty, and radiance.

How to use your programmed quartz crystal:

  • Carry it around with you.

  • Wash it and put it in your drinking water so that it programs the water molecules.

  • Sleep with it next to you.

  • Put it in the middle of a crystal grid to amplify the healing energies

  • Place it on your healing altar if you made one.

  • Meditate with it.

  • Make it into jewelry.


Other considerations:

Sometimes there is an immediate shift, and it can feel like you walked into a whole new world. Surprising and good.

Other times clearing is still happening and can show up as tears and other emotions or even physical pains and physical flushing. This is normal too. (Bathing, water, sound healing, bodywork, walks in nature, processing/sharing your healing experience with a loving friend - all can help).

If you’ve stepped into a package with me, your ceremony has just started and more healing is coming. Your soul, loving guides, and healing helpers are taking notice! You are held through this whole journey.

Lastly, our body can also respond to the healing with headaches, nausea, and loose bowel movements. This should cease after a good night’s sleep. If persistant please seek medical care.

If you are still feeling out of sorts 24 hours after your session, please contact me. There are suggestions and spiritual practices or rituals that I can guide you in. Or it may be that we need to schedule a session.


Your frequency

Amplify your healing and support the shifts that are happening by speaking differently about your life circumstances. Barrow the words in your healing session until they feel more real. Refocus on what seems the same BUT different and what has completely changed. Acknowledge your new vibrancy.

Together Spirit, you, and I have altered your base frequency and improved your energetic broadcast for the better - this means that life around you cannot stay the same. Own that!